these are links I collected from 1994 to about 1995 or 1996. So if they actually work, well, woah!
The Weird, the Wild, and the Wonderful
on the WWW
In addition to all of this, I publish quite a bit of unique content.While most people seem to come to my pages for the sexy stuff, I also have a brimming collection of Nifty Net Nuggets.
I like to keep tabs on interactive endeavors and other perspectives and personalities on the web.
My finger is on the pulse of and, and web publishing.
I am fascinated by spirituality and worship on the web.
This web is expanding to connect to both commercial entities and communities. Why, there's even politix online!
I've got a few links for you if you are looking for anything on the web.
To tickle your culture bone, or bend your brain, try eye candy, music, literary links, or science sites.
Perhaps you wonder as to the way of a web wanderer or how to hack HTML or start your own pages?
I take no responsibility for what lies beyond these links. If the sites offend you, and make you want to litigate - that's between you and that site. I have nothing to do with it.
This page and all its contents Copyright 1994, 1995 Justin Hall. All rights reserved. Contact me with any questions you might think of, permissions you might want, or problems you may have.
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <[email protected]>