Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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these are links I collected from 1994 to about 1995 or 1996. So if they actually work, well, woah!

Engage the web:

Interactive Endeavors

I have found that the web is only entertaining up to a point. After a while, cruising home pages loses its appeal. You want to actually do something, to create something, or to make something act the way you want it to. You want control!

A growing part of the fun of the web is the ways people have figured out to harness the power of forms and imagemaps to allow you to choose, or influence, the content you recieve.

This selection of sites should help you gain a sense of the interactive web.

Interactive and Collaborative Art

This is some of the most exciting stuff out there on the web. Check it out: people making art for people. Fewer spectators - more expression. Community, folks.

For a compendious survey of interactive web offerings, try Zarf's List of Interactive Games on the Web. It is a well annotated, thorough, up to date list of what is out there. Each entry is marked to let you know which ones require forms, inline images, imagemaps, and colour. A nice service indeed!

The Yahoo list at Stanford has an Entertainment: Games: Interactive Web Games section - a dumping ground for interactive site links.

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This page and all its contents Copyright 1994, 1995 Justin Hall. All rights reserved. Contact me with any questions you might think of, permissions you might want, or problems you may have.
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <[email protected]>