Japanese Nose Hair Ear Pick After a few days staying with me, Sanae finally let loose and shared her frustration with my many visible nosehairs. I'd never thought of myself as a nasal-hairy person before, comparing my mirror image with many of the folks I see around me. Still I have too much visible body hair coming out my snot hole for Sanae to tolerate. She had a pair of scissors expressly to cut nose hairs and she offered her steady hand to trim my offensive growth.I was a bit concerned with the entire idea,
Ear Pick Besides this nose-clipping experience, Sanae had brought a gift for me: an earpick. I was astounded - a long wooden scraping utensil for an ear? Quite common in Japan, she said, mothers clean their children's ears, maybe a lover would clean a favoured aural orifice. She offered to perform this grooming for me.
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