Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

watch overshare: the story contact me

** Welcome to the Cyborganic Empire, Cust91.Max2.Chicago.IL.MS.UU.NET
** All connections are logged.  Unauthorized users will be violated.
** Remember: your email address is [email protected]

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login: justin
Last login: Mon Dec  2 23:16:28 from Cust91.Max2.Chicago.IL.MS.UU.NET
Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

BSDI BSD/OS 2.1 Kernel #1: Sat May 25 18:58:46 PDT 1996

Report any unusual behavior to [email protected].

You have mail.

Government lies, and newspapers lie, but in a democracy they are
different lies.
xanadu,11:21pm,[/www/Links]> w
11:21PM  up 42 days, 12:04, 20 users, load averages: 0.17, 0.25, 0.33
USER     TTY FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
tsheets  p0  Sun.COM          Mon08AM  7:07 elm
ollee    p1  9:41PM  1:38 -tcsh (tcsh)
spacebar p2  also-27.ppp.hook 11:03PM     0 /usr/bin/telnet 7227
abbe     p3  10:55PM    24 mail
xlr8r    p4  sfo-ca14-06.ix.n 10:01PM  1:15 irc
rebecca  p5  sf2-ppp21.well.c Sun10PM  1:44 -tcsh (tcsh)
agro     p6  tom-jones         5:55PM  3:11 -tcsh (tcsh)
justin   p7  Cust91.Max2.Chic 11:20PM     0 w -n
flux     p8  Mon02PM  7:45 -tcsh (tcsh)
ollee    p9 11:10PM     1 -tcsh (tcsh)
flux     pb  7:22PM  1:18 -tcsh (tcsh)
nm       pc Mon03PM  8:07 (pine)
dpwk     pd  pa01-08.nanospac  7:32PM  1:19 -tcsh (tcsh)
caliban  pe  ppp086-sf1.siriu  8:38PM     0 /user/colby/local/bin/icb -h icb.e
rhyno    pf  Mon10AM  6:58 bash
uke      q0     Mon10AM  6:17 -tcsh (tcsh)
caliban  q2  ppp086-sf1.siriu  8:38PM  2:40 (pine)
rebecca  q3  sf2-ppp21.well.c  8:26PM  2:09 -tcsh (tcsh)
rhyno    q4  also-27.ppp.hook 10:24PM     0 -tcsh (tcsh)
rebecca  q6  sf2-ppp21.well.c Mon03PM  5:15 -tcsh (tcsh)
xanadu,11:21pm,[/www/Links]> f jim
Login: caferace                         Name: Jim Race
Directory: /user/caferace               Shell: /bin/tcsh
Last login Sat Aug 24 15:38 (PDT) on ttyp2 from
No Plan.

Login: jim                              Name: Vagabond Jim
Directory: /user/vagabond               Shell: /bin/tcsh
Last login Mon Dec  2 18:53 (PST) on ttyp9 from
No Plan.

Login: press                            Name: Jim Santos
Directory: /user/press                  Shell: /bin/tcsh
Last login Sun Jul  7 20:12 (PDT) on ttyp4 from
No Plan.
You have new mail.
xanadu,11:38pm,[/www/Links]> poer
poer: Command not found.
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Users on spacebar:

Channel 01 -- the space bar

Channel 23 -- lotus
    ellen/  []
    fightinjesus/cuntie ho [[email protected]]
    god/g [[email protected]]
    spoon/sleepy [[email protected]]

Channel 79 -- committments anonymous
    sealion/  [[email protected]]
    buffythevamp/  []
    saturn5/entropic  [[email protected]]

All other channels are unnamed or unused
    scenario/eric []
    bunny/cynical  [[email protected]]
    ky/sea urchin  []
    jory/glacial panic []
    asdf/redish [[email protected]]
    fixer/capo di tuti capi []
    neck/spork []

Come join us sometime, telnet 7227

xanadu,11:38pm,[/www/Links]> sp
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

space bar
Copyright (c) 1995 Laura La Gassa
Based on UX-CB by Gary Grossman, UI from SKYNET/Eric Pederson.
Cyborganic modifications by Jon Drukman

Linked on Wed Nov 20 22:38:02 PST 1996

                    -- Welcome to Spacebar 2.0 --
                  NOW: Powered by Silicon Graphics!!
            (running on a 200mhz SGI Indy with 96M of RAM)

Type "new" if you are a new user.
Enter your member name:  fusty
======||: SPACE BAR  INFO :||====== | ========================================
ACCOUNT VERIFICATION, FEEDBACK:     |  Attention:  All public messages on
  [email protected]             |  channel 01 and all Broadcast messages
                                    |  are logged to the local machine for
COMMON SPACE BAR COMMANDS:          |  96 hours.  Private messages, and
 Respond to private msg... /,       |  all messages on all other channels,
 Change your nickname....... /n     |  are not logged.
 See who else is on....... /a       |
 Send a private message... /p       |  VERSION 2.0 - NEW COMMANDS:
                                    |  // - resend    /P - private/public
 HELP (list of commands).. /?       |  /I - invite    /B - boot
 LOGOFF/QUIT.............. /qy      |  ** There is no cause for alarm **

** This is the first Spacebar to run on a completely new operating
** system.  Please report behavioral anomalies to [email protected].
** Thank you.

Entering space bar on slot 21.  Type /? for help.

There are currently 16 people visiting the space bar.
Use /a or /C to see who is here.

-- #21 Logged on channel 08: fusty/li fire
To: ellen
Msg: howdy ellen - pleasant return?
Message sent to ellen.
god/g[Broadcast]: All right, I admit it, I killed the Internet
fixer/capo di tuti capi[Broadcast]: damn, a better response wouold have been
Channel 01 -- the space bar

Channel 23 -- lotus
    ellen/  (typing) [[email protected]]
    fightinjesus/cuntie ho [[email protected]]
    god/g [[email protected]]
    spoon/sleepy [[email protected]]

Channel 79 -- committments anonymous
    susie/susie (typing) [*PRIVATE*]
    sealion/  [[email protected]]
    buffythevamp/  []
    saturn5/entropic [[email protected]]

All other channels are unnamed or unused
    fusty/li fire []
    scenario/eric []
    bunny/cynical (typing) [[email protected]]
    ky/sea urchin (typing) []
    jory/glacial panic []
    asdf/redish [[email protected]]
    fixer/capo di tuti capi (typing) []
    neck/spork []
fixer/capo di tuti capi[Broadcast]: how else could the internet kill
susie/susie[Broadcast]: choke
ellen/ [Private]: yes it was actually quite plesant... haven;t seen amy
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: wow - you beat me to it.  thanks.
Message sent to ellen.
ellen/ [Private]: any time fusty... did you have a good turkey day?
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: yah - nebraska mon.  big turkeee.  lots of crispy turkey skin, mmmmmm.  you
Message sent to ellen.
ellen/ [Private]: i was in nebraska... yes it was cold but good
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: flat .
Message sent to ellen.
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: __________________________________ <- nebraska.
Message sent to ellen.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: very
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: yup
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: how gobble?
Message sent to ellen.
 * You are being *beeped* by fixer/capo di tuti capi
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: nummy
 * You are being *beeped* by scooter/605.8955
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: went to a cool exhibit at the milwaukee art
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: of what art?
Message sent to ellen.
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: I saw cool art in chicago.  the midwest ain't all bad doncha know.
Message sent to ellen.
 * You are being *beeped* by scooter/605.8955
scooter/605.8955[Private]: whats up bra
To: scooter
Beep sent
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: fuckin' wrists kill.  saw cute girls at my high school talk today.  you?
Message sent to scooter.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: this architecht from spain who is gonna build
     an addition to the museum
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: like gaudi or something?
Message sent to ellen.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: what high school talk? line me up with that shit.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: yah da midwest is kinda nice.... good place to
     raise a family eh?
scooter/605.8955[Private]: my wrist hurts a tad too. what you been up to? we
     should hang out
To: ellen
Msg: good place to get fed.
Message sent to ellen.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: no, he is more space agey... he is into
     movement so he constructs buildings that move with the wind and
     sunlight and shit
Sending private message back to ellen.
Msg: that sounds pretty rad akchilly.
Message sent to ellen.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: if it just wasn;t so damn cold
To: scooter
Msg: dude - I'm in chicago!
Message sent to scooter.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: it was rad
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ahh. like the high schol you went to?> hhahaa
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: yah bra - go back home, return a succeessful shaolin.
Message sent to scooter.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: santiago calatrava
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so it went well? how did you hook that up?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I bugged the shit out of the head of the school until he scheduled me in.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah ill be pulling that shit next month
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: bug them in advance.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: you left a learner now you are the master
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: still I learn oh my brother
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: they had a conference
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: they had a conference?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i know
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so they had a "assembly"
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: yah.  they have one three times a week.   I went to a pretty ool school.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: thats the word
To: ellen
Msg: you remember the dudes name?
Message sent to ellen.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i fucking hated my high school. i dont want to go
     back for nuthing.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: hey justin. i am sitting in my bed using one of
     those lcd projectors displaying the mac screen on my wall on a 10'
     diagonal. pretty wacky... i like the integration of architecture and
     technology and the fact that the image is now on something *real*
     instead of on some piece of gadgetry... or so it seems
scooter/605.8955[Private]: like i dont feel like i owe my HS shit.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: one phrase, from my friend marty - "water your roots"
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: but i would go back to college. or.. i dont know.
ellen/blinky lights[Private]: yah... and i picked up a lil pamphlet
scooter/605.8955[Private]: you are a famous motherfucker.
To: jory
Msg: show off.  hah.  that sounds rad.  apple fixed my lcd _again_ after someone
 stepped on it after the first repair.  bless 'em.
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: hmm. water your roots.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i would go back in the career day context
buffythevamp/ [Broadcast]: night sleep well...
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: or go back in the "do it yourself be a punk online" context masked under "s
ocial implictions of technology philosophical talk"
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i dont  know. i certainly wouldnt "bug" anyone to
     go back. fuck that.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: anyway. when you back here bitch?
jory/glacial panic[Private]: tres cool... i only have the projector for
     tonight, but it is compelling nonetheless.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: why tonight how?
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: hhaa. good one. you funny master swordsman.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I'll be back late thursday.  maybe tnd.  maybe not.
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: did you tell them someone stepped on it, or
     just skip over that little detail?
scooter/605.8955[Private]: cool.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: cool indeed.  whassupchu?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i am getting sorta siked about going home for
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: psyched?  how?
Message sent to scooter.
To: jory
Msg: how you come by it?
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: just jerked off. about to finish reading a miles
     davis vio
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I bouht on the corner that's some genuine weird, still cool tho, shit.  it'
s gonna grow on me and be great for my radio show next semester - (I decided to
go back to school.  hah)
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i dont know. like i havent been home in 2years
     and i need  a break from work and i will have fun.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i have to participate in a presentation for the
     consulting thing tomorrow, and i rented it on their vehalf (with their
     money thank god).
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: enjoy it then mon
Message sent to jory.
To: scooter
Msg: home = meals, bed.  old shit.  lots of it = good/bad.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: o shit when ddi you decide
scooter/605.8955[Private]: back to philly? in the winter. aint that a bitch
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: SOOPERbitch.  I decided last night or the night before.
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i am trying yo, though i have to get up in like
     4 hours for the crack o dawn presentation... but i can live large while
     it lasts :)
scooter/605.8955[Private]: when do you go back. ill visit you in the spring
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: hah.  cruising swat and mainlinin'  hah
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: who knows where the fuck ill be.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: rich.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ill be rich? naw. i dont think so
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: have faith.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: getting rich is not what im in this motherfucker
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: oh.
Message sent to scooter.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: beatthief 3 yet?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: im pretty set on doing that greatday cdrom. i can
     do it myself for under 5k i think.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: watch yer rights dude - have that lawyer on your left.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: not yet. i saw webtv and i think im going to make
     sure it looks nice on that. i think webtv is the future you shoudl see
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: where di you check it out?
Message sent to scooter.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: how's the browser?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: its pretty damn nice. at good guys for like one
     hour. i want to work for them.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: why nice?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: that shit will change everything. 350$ its fast
     and works
scooter/605.8955[Private]: decent interface
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: no telnet?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: not yet
scooter/605.8955[Private]: but its for like mom and dad.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: and wayne and justin when they visit home.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so that shit might come later
susie/pout[Broadcast]: i am off to sleep
god/g[Broadcast]: night, susie
scooter/605.8955[Private]: but great day works nice and your page works
     nice. i have already gotten praise for great day from webtv users
susie/pout[Broadcast]: ahhh i mean sl**p sorry that is a bad bad word
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: you kid me.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i dont kid you. if you have time go to an
     electronics store adn check it ou
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I shall indeed.  I've heard too much - now it's a pheonomenon.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: and it has this cool wireless keyboard for
     writing emals.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: how could you write emails?  not from your own account I assume.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: other people say its good?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: mark petrakis was impressed - spoonman.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah. you have a [email protected] account
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: what's monthly fee?
Message sent to scooter.
Channel 01 -- the space bar

Channel 23 -- lotus
    ellen/blinky lights [[email protected]]
    god/g [[email protected]]
    spoon/sleepy [[email protected]]
    fixer/capo di tuti capi (typing) []

Channel 79 -- I need a vacation!
    sealion/  [[email protected]]

All other channels are unnamed or unused
    fusty/li fire []
    scooter/605.8955 []
    scenario/eric (typing) []
    bunny/cynical [[email protected]]
    jory/glacial panic (typing) []
    asdf/redish [[email protected]]
    ky/sea urchin (typing) []
    neck/spork []
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: so women?
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i want to see the picture of us iat the
     diner... sent it
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: proprietary format.  rremind me when I'm not on a powerbook and 14.4 I'll d
ekodak and send it.
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: er, send it
scooter/605.8955[Private]: crashed
scooter/605.8955[Private]: thanksto and netscape.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: - watch out for that.
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: okie
jory/glacial panic[Private]: proprietary format sounds so victorian, like
     something the wueen would use at high tea.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: I know.  give that queen a dogdamn twain filter at least, for chrissakes.
Message sent to jory.
fresh/squeezed[Private]: hi, is Amy here?
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah i know
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so are you still writing em. or whats the deal
     with that.?
fresh/squeezed[Private]: hello?
fresh/squeezed[Private]: justin. this is tongsue
jory/glacial panic[Private]: it would be nice i think to project this on a
     white board, then you could makes notes and doodles and such on the
     background of your work... though this would only be reasonable for
     some applications (so to speak)
scooter/605.8955[Private]: i have to say that howards pictures kon the front
     are getting progressively more annoying.
To: fresh
fresh not logged in.
Channel 01 -- the space bar

Channel 23 -- lotus
    ellen/blinky lights [[email protected]]
    spoon/sleepy [[email protected]]
    fixer/capo di tuti capi []
    jlweis/Attach my Asset [[email protected]]

All other channels are unnamed or unused
    fusty/li fire []
    scooter/605.8955 []
    scenario/Skeleton Jack []
    bunny/cynical [[email protected]]
    jory/glacial panic []
    asdf/redish [[email protected]]
    ky/sea urchin []
    sealion/  [[email protected]]
Sending private message back to scooter.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I'm goin' be a columnist.  2 x monthly.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so justin.  girls at your old high schol.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: nice. for money?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: girls at my high cshool for money?
Message sent to scooter.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: like maybe 800 a month for two 500 worders and hosting.
Message sent to scooter.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: girls I ws kinda joshin' sure they're cute but mytee yong.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: no. the writing. for money bitch.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: nice. not bad. really.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: not bad.  it might go up, they say, which could be better than them not say
ing it.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah. but if they ar cute enough you might be
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: no way man I'm settled for years end.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so what is the amy situation/?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: I dig on her.  I'm trying to decide whether we should have sex any more or
not.  it's fun but we might be onto something bigger or better creative is we wi
thhold?  or just enjoy? I dunno.  but either way, feelings are mutual and fairly
 steady if erratic and intense and bipolar.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: so sex is good?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: sex with amy is fun and good and rilesome.  I've never cum.  it's strange -
 somehow I'm been inspired to maintain physical withholding and control semblanc
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: what?
scooter/605.8955[Private]: she comes tho?
scooter/605.8955[Broadcast]: <jlweis> Scooter, you have no home - you are
     the wanderer.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: she has a good time, I have a good time.  good times.  just I dunno like so
mething I want to go higher or something.  I'm a freak.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: but that miles davis cd. that shit is the bomb.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: whack bombin' ghetto sounds?  I'm still workin' on it.  I can only imagine
in headphones.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: but what abou the seperation thing?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: it'll suck next semester.  I goto san fran often enough, and she seems supe
r flex so I will do swarthmore fully and have a wonderful friend upon arrival in
 the bay aireea.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ahh. its sacry.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: scary
scooter/605.8955[Private]: scary shit. mean. james brown but with a tabla
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: and jingle bells.
Message sent to scooter.
To: jory
Msg: can I quote large segments of our conversation tonight on my page sir?
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: sure, why not... though i don't think i was too
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: don't worry about it.  it's a first person experience thing.  what's url fo
r you?  just
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: all there is right now is
     though i am shipping that machine to italy ouple days (sold a bunch of
     mac stuff to some gut in venice... putting it no an airplace later this
     week :)
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: so then where web site?
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: er putting it on an airplane... my typing
     skills have really gone dwnhill tonight ;)
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: it's that big ocular stimulae in yer lap dood.  no more web?
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: not until i get my 2300 back from my roommate
     who is using it since his 5300ce was stolen from his car... i need to
     get my server act together... been consolifatin g hardware, now time to
     consolidate content
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: ahah.  consolidate jory-san.
Message sent to jory.
To: scooter
Msg: still there?
Message sent to scooter.
To: scooter
Beep sent
scooter/605.8955[Private]: yeah about to retire.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: hey - can I quote extensively our chat portion from tonight for my site?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ok
scooter/605.8955[Private]: what exactly?
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: the whole thing actually.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: cut abd paste back to me what you want to quote.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: too long.  look - you dis your high school, you confess masturbation, you e
xtoll miles davis and web tv.
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ahhhhhh.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: most of it probably. but a few thigns..
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ok
jory/glacial panic[Private]: muzukashi desu-nee justin-san jory wa html-o
     heta desu nee dakara.... oh nevermind...
scooter/605.8955[Private]: nothing about young girls. haha
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: that's all on me - I look like an ass.
Message sent to scooter.
To: jory
Msg: you speak that shit?
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: naw. i said shit too. you have already logged it?
     or what
jory/glacial panic[Private]: shoshi desu nee (very very little)
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: congratulations on that.  compai!
Message sent to jory.
Sending private message back to jory.
To: scooter
Msg: cute and past.
Message sent to scooter.
 * You are being *beeped* by elly/edgy
Sending private message back to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: email it to me. i will look at it real quick.
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: yessir.
Message sent to scooter.
elly/edgy[Private]: you know I have known the kid of the guy who does for like over a year
scooter/605.8955[Private]: cyborganic/?
elly/edgy[Private]: I thought that was neat that you linked them.
Sending private message back to elly.
Msg: thanks.  hey - good works there!  tao baby!
Message sent to elly.
To: scooter
Msg: yah - cyborganic.
Message sent to scooter.
elly/edgy[Broadcast]: okay. bye.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ok im ready
susie/pout[Broadcast]: bye elly
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: slow paste.
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: it's too bad i don't have a picture of this
     display shit... sitting on my wacked bed looking at the overlapping
     windows on the unfinished sheetrock, with the drywall screws showing
     through the image... even i would like a record of it...
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: you don't have photo quip?
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: and i am not one to record the past (or the
     present) overmuch
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: get over it.
Message sent to jory.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: join us!
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: nope... we had a quicktake, but it was stolen
     with the other 5300ce...
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: sorry to hear that!  theft.  sorry.
Message sent to jory.
To: scooter
Beep sent
Sending private message back to jory.
Sending to scooter
Msg: sent
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: ok5
Sending private message back to scooter.
Msg: that was fast.
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: yeah too bad about the heft.. somewhere they
     are probably taking pictures of your stolen car with our quicktake and
     making web pages out of it on the stolen 5300ce
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: hah.  my stolen car was found and now the #@$% rent car company wants damag
es incurred on the thieves watch.
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: yeah, well it will be more rad if it works, but
     i am getting there... the hard part is the antenna stuf, rf is a bitch.
     i am going to just try a cell phone antenna late this week (they are
     the same general frequency range) and see how it works
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i told you about my frend getting screwed by
     them. shit, they are such assholes it is incredible.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: who?  this is a small company - I guess anyone associated with petroleum su
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i am surprised you aren't supposed to pay
     rental for the time they had it.. and mileage
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: but sir, I am!
Message sent to jory.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: and parking tickets!
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: jesus. my friend elisa was stuck with a 25K
     bill (she eventually settled and is paying them 100 pe month for like
     20 years, i kid you not) all because of a minor accident which wasn't
     her fault.. the other guy really screwed the rental company for damages
     real and imagined and the rental car company passed it along to elisa!
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: you told me this story at sparky's. seriously grim shit.  serious debt.
Message sent to jory.
To: scooter
Msg: what's direct url for greatday?
Message sent to scooter.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: beatthief/greatday/
jory/glacial panic[Private]: i keep telling her she should just run up a
     bunch of debt, give me the benefits of said debt (for storage, i'll
     only take a meager percentage ;) and declare bankruptcy. how much are
     they into you for?
jory/glacial panic[Private]: oh hey, i signed a lease on a new place! 3500
     sq ft of space zoned work only :)
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: my lawyers are dealing with the rental car company.  thanks mom.
Message sent to jory.
Sending private message back to jory.
Sending to scooter
Msg: I gotta go to bed.  how you feel about it?
Message sent to scooter.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: oh that's rght... your whole family is in the
     legal profession.. right?
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: practcally.
Message sent to jory.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: congrats on new space.  where?
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: fine. i emailed you nback. use all of it
jory/glacial panic[Private]: remind me never to sue you
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: indeed.
Message sent to jory.
Sending to scooter
Msg: thanks holmes.
Message sent to scooter.
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: hasta jory.
Message sent to jory.
scooter/605.8955[Private]: thanks
scooter/605.8955[Private]: later
scooter not logged in.
Sending to scooter
scooter no longer logged in.
To: jory
Msg: gotta bed.
Message sent to jory.
jory/glacial panic[Private]: au recoie (or gomen nasai i guess ;)
Sending private message back to jory.
Msg: areebaderchee.
Message sent to jory.
Really quit? y
Connection closed by foreign host.
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justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>