sept 25
hangin' with le scootthe way I'm writing this book is to pluck the thoughts out of my head that dominate and filter my experience
nice to have young twenty male friends
cruise parties
for free food
read: quadruple cut coldish pizza
free drinks
beer or wine or calistoga
eurythmics remix
the young attractive and computer-content employed
different permutation of the same emotionally addled growth stunted underfed digital slaves we took a break for some real chow
the site of my first dinner at hotwired, my first thai iced tea
with paul and his friend del
kind of a generation gap, a bit of drinken imbalance
I wanted to speak to scooter's recent solanna severance,
salvaged by tech talk and prognosis
paul laments the tech-driven aspects
the web was invented by folks who wanted to share stuff in new ways
java was invented to push the technology barrier
no one picked java as a way to say anything in a new way
same with vrml
no one has used it to say something meaningful personallyscooter and I rearrive at even colder pizza
and lukewarm ladies
whom I shared some humour over low brow web page creation
instead of the usual, whom do you work for, answers,
I said I was making web pages to draw together the walgreen's community
she was doing vrml fly through of shirts for k-mart
we laughed, she was drunk
drifted away quickly
talking to other men,
party's over, shared a cab home with wayne and I
they went on after dropping me
oh yeah, there's progress perhaps, but does anything ever really change? and then make a case for each side and try to understand the question if since there mayn't be any answer
well tonight I stumbled on a big one, something big life ponderance that I have since lost hold of. I'm sure it will come back, it's just a bit diverting to lose it on the way to my book.
but I catch fire again, and come to understand this, the purpose for my second book
as I write about religion, or spirituality, it is perhaps where I lose myself best, I feel
I see my role to continue writing - to synthesize certain spiritual elements and truths from around to put into a primer of necessary spiritual knowledge
and whoa boy
gotta draw that line somewhere
and that will be a lifetime of study
but suffice to say, there is another volume in this series lurking.
up to 82oo words,
but who's counting.
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>