Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

watch overshare: the story contact me

february | march | april 1996

1 - polymorphous triverse
2 - screw this.
3 - tweney and the other
4 - new paradigms.
5 - pyt
6 - these people are so weird
7 - chandreprise
8 - bike week: crazy shit
9 - almost crazy shit, but still pretty crazy.
10 - all we need is a drum
11 - celebration vegetation
12 - agitatation
13 - fartation
14 - TND
15 - big business
16 - ill miss this someday
17 - seasonal hormonals
18 - physical
19 - vachel lindsay
20 - mysterious types
21 - compost heap
22 - sex with a female horse
23 - include me out
24 - crazy jane
25 - meeting appetites
26 - what more can you say?
27 - prefab sublime
28 - still mutherpuckin'
29 - philanthropower
to microsoft?
30 - genderfuck
queering the remnant
31 - lust and lingering
howard visits swarthmore

1996 | daze | life | justin's links

justin's links |

justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>