a full day freestart
lingering the morning longover cheese egg muffins
with Matt Reeda real geek. I run my swarthmore web vision
by him
something I never thought of:people might not want to save their college web pages or turn around in ten years and find them embarrassing
not a thing to stop my plans,but something to think about.
chatting scenarios
in spite oftargeted advertizing omnipresent swipecards a videocamera on every corner
I can't either fear or love "the future,"aside from it's newness it'll probably be worse than today
only better. "action news"
a television station calls,
wants to film the photographershooting my class for 24 hours in cyberspace.
class or circus?
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"in the evening,
I powertripped hard
I hope somebody learned something.
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justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>